Testing training

Would you like to:
– improve your testing abilities?
– be able to write more readable & maintainable tests?
– get familiar with Spock or get know about hidden nooks & crannies of Spock?
– equalize & enhance testing skills in your team?

If yes, you may be interested in my authorial “Effective code testing with Spock” (or with JUnit 5 if you prefer) training delivered including topics such as:
– unit testing (the corner stone of all testing)
– Spock Framework (or JUnit 5)
– Test-driven development
– safe refactoring
– mocking (with Spock & Mockito)
– integration testing with Spring Framework (including Spring Boot, testing with database, Spring MVC, Spring Cloud Contract)
– advanced techniques (including asynchronous code testing, mutation testing, optimizing test execution time, extension development and optionally legacy code testing)

After 4-5 days of intensive training with high number of practical exercises you will be confident in writing fast & maintainable tests and will be able to use powerful Spock (or JUnit 5) features.

Feel free to contact me directly about detailed training course plan (which can be highly customized): marcin.zajaczkowski ATT solidsoft DOTT info.

Btw, if you are stiffly bounded to JUnit 4, I can wider cover the migration paths to Spock or JUnit5 (with Mockito and AssertJ).

Btw2, I also conduct some other kind of trainings, including functional programming with Java 8+, migration to Java 11+, Legacy Code, Groovy and Continuous Delivery in code with Jenkins.